
Judy Heil Consulting is based in East Gippsland, Victoria, 280km east of Melbourne.

Judy has lived in East Gippsland for 23 years. During this time she has worked in the resource management sector in spatial data management and mapping. She has extensive experience in the management of spatial data relevant to agencies in the Gippsland region and Victoria in general. Judy has worked with clients to prepare and manage data, manage in-house GIS libraries, provision of GIS training, general data support and advice. Clients include:

  • East Gippsland Shire Council
  • West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
  • East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
  • Department of Environment Land Water and Planning
  • Vicforests
  • Gippsland Water
  • East Gippsland Water
  • Hancock Victorian Plantations
  • VicRoads

She has also been heavily involved in community engagement and stakeholder liaison for community planning, infrastructure projects, and event management. She is an experienced facilitator and project manager, and she has successfully secured funding for a wide range of community driven projects and purchases.

As a result of her wide experience in the region, Judy has built up a large network of relationships with key individuals and local management agencies, including East Gippsland Shire, Department of Environment Land Water and Planning, Catchment Management Authorities, Arts & Heritage agencies, local business and community groups.

Judy is passionate about people, community and our environment.

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